Late CNY Post

Well hello, finally get to update here again. Hmm you know finals, dramas and all but hey, I'm back again! So I've a feeling that this will be a kinda long post so bare with me okay? :)

First of all, let's go back to March where it happened to be the second event I joined - CNY.
Well yeap indeed it means Chinese New Year but as the uni was still in semester break during the real CNY so we had it slightly later than it was and here is how it goes. This time I was joining Publicity Team where I supposed I had experienced the most ever since high school. Honestly saying, my team is indeed absolutely bunch of crazy people HAHAHAHA but I was so proud to be in this team!

*Skipped all grandma stories*
Will never forget all the crazy moments we had together. Avoiding dogs and walking through almost the whole Gambang area under the hot sun knocking door-to-door to sell our tickets. Supporting each other while selling tickets in Taman Tas, Pekan & Kuantan area. Laughing and teasing each other practicing our flash mob (omg I swear I never want to dance that again). Stressing bout the sales but never fail to motivating each other. Busying from morning to night and for days for our microfilm shooting. 
There were a lot of memories we had together and even though we didn't really get too much contact afterwards but the relationship in between won't get faded. I know (again) it's kinda late to show appreciation to all of you in the team but I hope one day (fortunately) if you ever reading this in the future, I wish the memories will be recapped again and at least make you smile :)

ShiHann, My dear HOU.
I know the little incident happened and the stress you had is way more than we can imagined. But hey, we all know you did the best you can and you did great. :) And we were all so proud in the end of that day. People might not really understand what we had went through since the beginning and things get really intense in between but its okay because we will always have your back. And I'm sorry that I was away from where I supposed to be on event that day.

Felicia, Ah Ferrrrrrrr 
Dear AHOU, I believe more in thing which called as telepathy as I worked with you. Sometimes (well maybe most of the time) with just a sign or just a look, we understand each other jokes and started laughing when the others don't really understand what's wrong with us HAHAHAH but I enjoy every moment having fun and working with you :) 

Joey jieeeeeeeeeeeee
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAH forgive me for starting yours with crazy laugh because that's what we had the most throughout the months working together! They once said that if were to pair up each other in the group, we will be pairing up as the craziest one and somehow I agreed because we always get to find some jokes in things we were handling. And of course I won't forget the group chat you specially created just to let us join in the Everwing game XD 

Our dear money handler in the group! Even though I didn't really speak with you much as I did to the other girls but you definitely have a very special own way of laughing and as I recalled back now, I laughed. Thankiuuuu too for handling all the props during our microfilm shooting and it was so good to know that I don't have to worry bout it as I got the best people in my team.

Red people hahahahhaha stop denying the fact okay!!! Thankiuuuu for always tolerating with me even though I was always mean in commenting bout your ideas but please believe when I said that you're indeed a person with lots of ideas just that sometimes gotta think bout the way of doing them. But anyhow it is indeed great again to have you in my team again for coming WS!

Our forever God of Sleep XD Oh God we were so amazed of how you can sleep in anywhere at anytime AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA but still thanks a lot for bearing our jokes and teases all the time but really, you're way more funnier than I first thought you were and please stay sweet with ChunWoon XD

Not forgetting our coordinator aka the Chairman, Joshua
Okay seriously not much but thank you for coming out at late night just to hang the bunting and banner for us because we're all too short HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA Thank you too for offering help for my coming WS even though you always asked us not to disturb you :) but please keep your own style of having the F words in almost all your sentences! XD Had fun working with you too even though you rarely show up X)

Last but not least, XueTing
My dear girl of all time. Thankiuuuuuu so so much for being there for me ever since our first WS event together. Tolerating, motivating, supporting  me all the time no matter when I need you. Event will be definitely less fun without you but I know how hard is it for you to cope with your studies as well knowing it's not easy. But girl, thanks for promising to help me again for coming WS *hugs* I appreciate all the moment when we get to understand each other with just a look. You are always there listening to all my problems I had either it's about the event or myself. Never gonna forget the night where I cried because of you half pushing me bout things happening that moment and you're the first to see me cried in this uni. Babe, words can no longer express how much I appreciate to have you in my life. I know that lately we've been busy for our own stuffs but stories time when I see you again okay :) 

I know how hard it will be for us to reform the same team again because we will all be busy with our own studies soon but please always keep in touch alright? :) Life's great to have you all as my second family here and hope to have our gathering soon okayyyy X)

Lots of love,
-Wen Nee-

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