
Guess I've forgotten about this little blog of mine for the longest time ever.

I'm finally graduated after 4 years of hard work and thank god that I did it with flying colors. I remember how I promised myself to do the best I can when I first stepped into UMP in year 2016. I remember how terrible my STPM result was. I remember all the disappointment on my fam faces. But for now, I really really am super proud of my final result. 

Though our batch of graduates most probably will not be having our convocation due to the worsen pandemic, but I've to say I'm proud to meet some of the awesome souls I met in this little place throughout the 4 years time. 

I don't know when will we be able to meet or where we'll be meeting. But I promise that I'll be joining or meeting the great souls again whenever I can. Life has changed so much since I was a first year student. 

There were people who walked out of my life during the past years but it's okay. There's no hatred feeling in me as I believe in fate whether in family bond, friendships or relationship. No one will stay in your life forever. There'll still be path where you need to walk on your own in life.

So for people whom we are no longer friends or in contact anymore, I'll wish you all the best in life still. And for people who never walk away even when I was in the worst form in life, I hope we stay connected and be real still. Don't change negatively due to the society but spread the positive vibe you always have in you. 

Despite being proud of the result, I've got to admit that I'm now quite lost in life. The feeling unsure about the future sure feel sucks than ever. But however it will turned out to be, I believe in God and I believe in me. Though the path that I'm having now isn't my first few choices in life, but I believe that I'll be walking to the right path eventually, slowly but surely. 

May we all be able to fly high in whichever path that we choose and for current situation, may we all be able to stay safe and clear from the corona virus. 

Graduates batch 16/17, happy graduation and may we cross path in life again. 

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