Holla all my fellow cookies :)
I know I've been left here for quite some time but yea here am I again.
I gotta said that I've been facing some stress back then but thank God I gt over it.
People gonna ask what are you stressing for? Just enjoy life la chill out everything's gonna be fine & blablablabla
Yea I understand everything that you all tried to tell me & if its happening on someone else, I'll definitely able to say all this too. But its not when you're the one going through it.
So back to few months ago when I gt my shitty STPM result.
Honestly when everybody thought that I'm pretty fine looking at the outside, still joking around & telling those who's so sad for their result that everything gonna be alright, I bet only God knows I'm dying inside.
The result was so shitty that even my sis kinda scolded me a little. & yea even I myself blamed me too. I can just said that I really really did try my best but people just dont believe it. They just kept on saying that nonono this is not your standard & blablabla.
So yea I cant say anything on that but I know I let my parents down, I let my siblings down, I let everyone who has such strong faith in me down, I let myself down. But past is past & there's nothing I can about it.
Since most or I can say everybody including me feel hopeless for my application to local uni, I started to think bout private college & all but I cant really decide which course I'm gonna take even though I really enjoy myself in event stuffs. I gt quite alot of people telling me that event is a dead end tho you cant really achieve things high in event & blablabla so yea being dumb I hesitated.
As the result of the application of local uni is getting nearer, I gt even more stressed than I thought I will be. I gt so damn stress that I cant fall asleep at night & only manage to sleep at 5am yes its a goddamn AM. Might even gt awake every 2 hours lol & people started being concern like hey what on earth is wrong with you lol just sleep la every night stay up so late for tv & phone for what.
But yea only those who really know will know I was having a really really bad insomnia that it gt so serious I'll even start thinking nonsense like I'll be dead tomorrow & stuffs like that.
Anyway I gotta say that I'm pretty lucky to have this bunch of lovely friends around me. I'm so thankful & God knows how much I appreciate to have them in my life especially my dear potato Chow. Words cant describe how much I love them & I really really do hope that our friendships last long till death do us apart,
*skip all grandmother stories*
So jump to Aug when its finally the day for us to check the result of local uni application. I actually cried for at least half an hour when I know that I gt approved by UMP!! I was so damn happy & excited that I cried so hard until I cant even speak when I called my mum. I cant say that I deserved this but I'm really really grateful & lucky to gt this & the course is something I'm really into - Project Management. & what's even better is that two of my potatoes are having the same uni with me even though we're all in diff faculty diff courses but at least potatoes roll together :D
So yeap that's it local uni here I come!! Preparation for this another journey of mine is so exhausting but yea I know this is where I should go & I'm gonna spend my coming 4 years here. The feeling of away from home finally gt strong when we were on the way to my uni on the registration day. I promised myself that I'll try even harder during STPM time & hopefully I can do it. *fingers crossed*

Registration Day.
I went into the registration hall alone since they dont let parents in & I bet that's the first step of letting us to be independent. But yea its fine for me lol :)
After registered we moved to my hostel which is a goddamn 4th floor omgggggg & YEA IM GONNA CLIMB UP HERE EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! So yeap 4 persons in a room. There's 2 Sarawakians - Eileen & Siu Thing & also my babe Chee from Kelantan. So blessed that we gt along quite well because I know how hot tempered & how crazy I am. & luckily they're being crazy enough to accept my true color too HAHAHAHHAHAHHAH
& so its orientation week which actually lasted for 4 & a half days. We listened to all kind of talks & dance everyday especially moral sessions for us the non-Muslims. But I know this will definitely be one of the best memories I have here. Seniors are all so helpful on all the ques we're facing. & there I gt myself a brotherhood XD But no my brotherhood aint a guy but a girl okayy her name is Vennisha hahahahha & she somehow reminded me of Gaya my dear potato. But I gotta say that the worst memory from throughout this orientation was waiting to bath in the middle of the night & then waking up at 4am so yea panda eyes so strong.
*skip all grandfather old stories again*

So basically its already the second week since the class started. I still dont really know much bout my classmates yet since you might have all diff classmates in all classes as you've to arrange your timetable by your own which happens to be another new experience for me. But yea hopefully we can gt along even better in the near future since we're all coursemates anyway. Thanks to PuiNee who's currently in her second year here. Thank you for always answering all my ques & saving all your notes for me :) Didnt always gt to meet you but believe soon we might even have chance to work in event together ;)

& There's so many first time I had here.
First time arranging own timetable that some classes we might even need to beg lecturer to let us in.
First time birthday away from home not celebrating with my family & friends & thanks to my cute roommates that celebrate for me. It might be simple but it's memories that I'm gonna remember forever.
First time conquering a gym with only me & my brotherhood for the whole morn without people disturbing.
First time entering a class which I happened to be the only Chinese. 
First time having mooncake festival away from home.
First time taking a bus home without any accompany.
First time being fearless joining 24 seasons drum camp.
& I believe this list will keep on going till I graduate.
Hopefully 4 years I'll graduate without extending & hopefully my result is good enough.
I know how bad that feeling is knowing everybody felt disappointed on you & I will never want to go through that again. As my sis's wish for me during my bday, I'm gonna push myself hard so that I'll feel proud of myself in the future. & to be better I hope my parents gt to feel proud of me in the future whenever they talk bout me.

Gosh I feel like crying so badly now but I just cant. Baby girl gonna grow up & there's no more mummy hug here so yea gotta gt even braver! Like what I told my potato, I'll come back even stronger! That's my promise to her & also to myself! & thanks to my heng dai that keep their promise of texting me everyday to make sure I'm alive, thankiuuuuu for supporting even when I feel like giving up. Thankiuuuu for always pushing me even thought you guys were damn harsh sometimes hahahahha Love you all to the moon & back! Yumcha whenever I'm back to KL guys! That's another promise to each other aite! & to my dear potato Chow & Gaya, hopefully our Skype session will keep going even though we are all busy with our schoolwork. You two know how much I love you so yea I bet I dont have to mention it here but yea potatoes always roll together!! Stay strong everyone!!!

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